Bueno amigos ya que estamos en el mes del amor les dejo un especial de wallpapers hecho con vectores para regalarle a la novia o ponerlos como fondo de pantalla, diria un amigo "mes de amor...mes de creativos"
Spread Love.
Vector illustration by Andy Gosling.
Very unique,creative and lovely graphics. The details and the colors are spectacular. Though the ground between the roots is somewhat sterile in contrast with all the leaves. The flat horizon is also a little strange. Rolling hills perhaps?
Love Birds.
Vector illustration by Edgeplus.
Fascinating birds. I love how their wings and bodies are hearts.
Love is in the air.
Vector illustration by Don Clark.
Excellent illustration for greeting cards and children's books. Illustration makes me wonder how the artist got those lovely brush stroke textures. Some great little touches there, like the snake wrapped around the elephant trunk. This evokes philosophical reflections.
Love Wallpaper.
Vector illustration by Wallcoo.net.
The world through the window of the heart. Excellent wallpaper for your computer. The direction of movement is from right to the left (plane, birds) and is composed so the spectator sees it as a coming. Coming of Love.
Broken Love Type.
Vector illustration by Tom.
Interesting 3D composition. Good combination of colors. It turns out robots can love. In my opinion he is broken.
Sunset Love Song.
Vector illustration by toinjoints.
This is a musical message to his beloved girl. I love the small hearts and the little kitty; the style is so unique.
Bleeding Love.
Vector illustration by Yunart.
That's rather sad. Love is cruel. The artist drew perfect hands and hair.
Love Wallpaper.
Vector illustration by mohammadamiri.
Funny character perfectly contrasts with the soft pink background. Interesting drawing technique and texture of the background. Good combination of rough and gentle.
A Simple Love Poem.
Drawing artwork by 2DCale.
Thoughts of the poet about love. What else can you think of on Valentine's day? The artwork is done in warm colors; cute characters cause a smile. The sun's rays and the background texture add warmth to the image.
Kittens in Love.... Sleeping.
Adobe Photoshop CS2, Wacom Graphire4 A5. Artwork by DarthEldarious.
They are in love and already have a little one. This is a beautiful composition, in the bottom cushion guess the outline of the heart. The main color is pink. What kind of love without the pink color? With a combination of green and pink, I would argue.
Vector illustration by MrEdgar.
The night is the time of lovers. Artwork uses a wonderful composition making use of bright moon against a dark foreground.
Vector illustration by thewiseninja.
Heart spreads love. Bubbles adds some contrast in the bottom of the composition.
Vector illustration by LeinDesign.
Excellent idea and execution. I like her doll-like expression and all the bright colors. However, where's her neck?
Vector illustration by kaneda99.
In the flame of passions. Beautiful artwork, especially the nice color choices. What really impresses me is the details that indicate the gender. And the most beautiful part is the girl's neck.
love by Internet.
Vector illustration by chocko.
A dark night, a humming computer, and only warm thoughts keep you up. Love by Internet. The cold blueness of the room contrasted by the warm connection of the heart combination of the computers.
Love is...
All is Vector! Gaussian Blur Effect... for blur. Adobe Illustrator CS3. Artwork by Madara13.
This piece represents very good use of the Gaussian blur filter. It creates a very smooth feeling throughout the image. I think that the transition in the hands from smooth- to sharp-edged is obscured too much by the density of the hair at that position.
Love or Confusion.
Vector illustration by AYIB.
Great abstract scene! Excellent choice of colors. Black hands create contrast in the center of the composition.
Endless love ...
Vector illustration by SeaStyle.
Wonderful idea and execution.
Rabbit in Love.
Vector illustration by Zim-dez.
Just for fun! Is this the beginning of a great love story?
Valentine's Heart.
Photoshop CS3. Artwork by Lilyas.
Beautiful design and colors! It's absolutely delightful and colorful. I love this whimsical composition. Butterfly and heart create a sense of harmony.
Heart Refill.
Adobe Illustrator. Artwork by sourcow.
Artwork has a great concept and style. The hose thing looks real, but shinier than a real one could ever be.
This art is made with: Illustrator CS3 and Photoshop CS2. Artwork by Suyu-designs.
Very interesting text effect.
I think I love you.
Made in Paint shop pro X. Artwork by Smangii.
Simple and nice design is striking graceful lines.
Vector illustration by cubecrazy2.
Romantic dinner for two! The artist has a unique view on things. Aren't Giraffes absolutely wonderful?
Vector illustration by woobiee.
Nice wallpaper. Good contrast between all the elements. The lines on the top of the image create the effect of the flight of butterflies. It's sweet/sad at the same time because of the empty swing and the tree.
Vector illustration by AYIB.
This artwork is dedicated to all peoples who celebrate Valentine's day and all the people who don't celebrate it. Artist hopes they love each other.
Of Hearts.
Vector illustration by missedyn.
The King and Queen of hearts are good symbols of Valentine's Day.
A World With Love.
Vector illustration by StupidKhor.
Look how sweet the colors are! The artist used the rule of the Golden ratio.
Valentine in Venice.
Vector illustration by R1K.
Successful combination of colors.
Valentine Wallpaper.
Vector illustration by NeoZeroX.
Excellent Valentine's day card. Hatching oblique lines create the severity of the image.
Happy Valentine Day.
Abstract vector illustration by Stellavagante.
Interesting concept, but the red text is a little lost against the background of red lips.
Valentine's splash.
Abstract vector illustration by tonyx.
Great design. Excellent contrast and color matching.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Abstract vector illustration by Moniquiu.
The artist depicted a heart of glass. It emphasizes its fragility. The image looks hard because of the predominance of red color.
Happy Valentine's.
Abstract vector illustration by vanburn.
In My Life. This art is made with: Illustrator CS3.
Artwork by SandraPascuini.
Great choice of colors! Combination of gray and red look chic.
Illustration by Rob Hunt.
Young Love.
Vector illustration by Clement de Bruin.
L_ _ V.
Illustration by Federico Montemurro.
Love is...
Illustration by Ana Fonseca.
Funny characters in the rays of the setting sun. Perfectly drawn oncoming wave.
Love the Pigeons.
Illustration by Andrew Nye.
Love is...
Vector illustration by Helen Kaur
Loving You Endlessly.
Using a combination of both Photoshop and Illustrator. Artwork by John van de Lest.
Vector illustration by LJ-JUN.
Love is a blooming garden, giving you warmth and reassurance even when the path ahead looks too grey to walk alone. I like the complexity of the background and the way it really glows on the screen.
Jellyfish Love.
Vector illustration by Orangie818
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